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AGM and Dinner, 26 October 2018

We are thrilled that so many DELT members have responded to confirm their attendance at our first AGM, to be held in Copenhagen on the afternoon of Friday 26th October 2018. The AGM part of the meeting will be followed by an engaging and informative panel discussion on the topic ‘No Translator is an Island’, after which we will enjoy a convivial, informal dinner and a toast to DELT’s future.


  • Welcome
  • AGM (Agenda below)
  • Coffee
  • Panel/Speakers (Outline below)
  • Dinner

AGM Agenda

  1. Statement of the purpose of the Founding AGM and on the formation of DELT
  2. Election of a member to chair the meeting and another to write the minutes
  3. Motion to declare and adopt DELT’s Constitution
  4. Motion to elect DELT’s Founding Committee as DELT’s First Committee
  5. Founding Chair’s report
  6. Founding Treasurer’s report
  7. DELT’s current projects:
    1. publication ideas
    2. strategy ideas
    3. future events
    4. mentorship/skills/CPD
  8. AOB

Panel Discussion

Topic: ‘No Translator is an Island’
Panellists: Martin Aitken and Misha Hoekstra
Moderator: Lin Falk van Rooyen, DELT Committee

Martin Aitken and Misha Hoekstra have translated an impressive list of prize-winning books by internationally acclaimed Danish authors including Peter Høeg, Dorthe Nors, Helle Helle, Ida Jessen and Kim Leine. Their translations have appeared with renowned anglophone publishers like Archipelago and Graywolf Press in the United States and Pushkin Press and Vintage in the United Kingdom. Misha is a professional musician and Martin holds a PhD in linguistics; both highly respected translators now live in Denmark yet came to our profession from such different angles on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Drawing on their vast and varied experience in translation, we will discuss the multi-faceted challenges involved in the business of literary translation, which – perhaps paradoxically – is essentially practised alone.

The questions that the panellists will be discussing include:

  • What challenges does the solo translator face in the day-to-day business of translation?
  • How can we tackle the loneliness our profession?
  • How can we approach the challenge of networking and creating and maintaining independent contacts with publishers on the UK/US market?

DELT members can contribute with questions they would like the panel to address on this topic via the DELT Facebook Group.

Dinner and wine to toast will conclude the afternoon/evening’s events.