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On 12 April 2018 the Association of Danish to English Literary Translators (DELT) was formally launched at the Danish Embassy in London. DELT founding Chair Ellen Kythor presented the new DELT Constitution (PDF) written by the new founding committee.

Listen to Ellen’s five-minute introduction to the meeting – which includes a brief history of DELT – here:

Our guest speaker, translator Rosalind Harvey, shared her experience of the launch and operation of the Emerging Translators Network (ETN).

Translation Slam

A group of 16 enthusiastic literary translators took part in our first ever Danish Translation Slam! The slam was organized as a mini-workshop wherein three groups compared their individually prepared draft translations of Janne Teller’s KOM, Maren Uthaug’s HVOR DER ER FUGLE and Jonas T. Bengtsson’s SUS with the aim of creating a collaborative translation excerpt of these works. The resulting translation excerpts can be downloaded and read here (PDF). Much fun was had by all and we look forward to arranging similar events in the future and seeing you all there!

by Lin Falk van Rooyen (translator and DELT committee member)

Meeting attendees (alphabetical by first name): Anna Halager, Bruce Thomson, David Young, Ellen Kythor, Fiona Harris, Hans Christian Andersen, Ian Giles, John Mason, Larry Morlan, Lin Falk van Rooyen, Liz Stephens, Misha Hoekstra, Paul Larkin, Paul Russell Garrett, Peter Sean Woltemade, Philip Curry, Solvej Todd.

Photos credits: Ian Giles and Paul Russell Garrett

Thank you!

Many thanks to the Danish Embassy in London for hosting. Click here for the Danish Embassy’s Facebook post about our meeting.