DELT’s first virtual AGM and Julefrokost!
DELT will host its third Annual General Meeting (AGM) for members on Thursday 3rd December 2020. The meeting will be online via Zoom, starting at 15.00 UTC (i.e. 3pm UK, 4pm Denmark, 10am Eastern Standard Time). The AGM will be kept brief, closely followed by a sociable Julefrokost.
An information pack and registration instructions have been emailed to DELT members. The info pack contains: AGM 2020 Agenda, Chair’s Report 2020, Treasurer’s Report 2020, AGM Minutes 2019, Balance sheets for 2019 (Final) and 2020 (Provisional), Proposal for amendment to DELT Constitution, DELT Constitution, and, finally, Julefrokost Recipes!